Messages in the Risale-i Nur (Part 1)

What sort of messages does the Risale-i Nur give to humanity? 

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi was inspired to write this work to explain the message of the Qu’ran in a way that would correspond to the level of mankind’s development in the 20th Century. Therefore, its principle message of God’s unity is explained and expounded in different respects in accordance with today’s understanding which is based on science’s discoveries of the functioning of the universe. 

It demonstrates that every aspect of the universe has meaning and purpose, both with regard to the whole, and should be seen as an evidence and proof of God’s unity and the other truths of religion, such as revelation, prophethood, the angels, resurrection and the hereafter, and divine determining or fate. And thus doing, it demonstrates what utterly good news belief is for humanity; what salvation, happiness and freedom it brings both in this world and the next. 

The Risale-i Nur proves that at no level can causes have any effect, the laws of nature have any power, or can there be such a thing as chance. This is a message of the utmost importance for humanity, a vast majority of whom are materialist. They imagine that all answers are to be found in causality, that the forces and laws of nature will provide them; if the answers have not yet been discovered they will be. We have seen the results of this misguided idea.

However, when looked at from the viewpoint of God’s unity, everything is seen to be just the reverse. Nothing, no law, force, cause or particle has, or can have, any power. Matter is not essential, rather, it subsists through the meaning of life and spirit; it is not dominant, rather, it is in motion in the way that life, spirit and consciousness dictates. All beings, everything, are manifestations of God’s attributes and names. Everything is directly dependent on its Creator for its existence and all its attributes. 

Part 2 will answer what this means for humanity. 

Risale-i Nur Books can be found here.