Hope for Humanity (Part 2)

Throughout the Risale-i Nur works Bediuzzaman’s clear message is this: hope for humanity lies in belief in God and the Afterlife, without which the happiness of mankind remains in perpetual and perilous poverty. There is hope! Below are further examples out of many more in which Bediuzzaman explains this message:

For man, who by nature desires permanent life and immortal existence, whose unlimited hopes are matched by boundless afflictions, any object or accomplishment other than belief in God, knowledge of God and the means for attaining these, which are fundament and key of eternal life — any such object or accomplishment must be regarded as lowly for man, or even worthless in many cases. (Supreme Sign, p. 16)

More of Bediuzzaman’s words on belief:

Thus, since the pleasures of this world do not satisfy the imaginative faculty, which is a servant of human nature, man’s comprehensive nature is certainly attached to eternity. For man, therefore, who despite being afflicted with these boundless hopes and desires as capital has only an insignificant faculty of will and absolute poverty, belief in the hereafter is a treasury of such strength and sufficiency; is such a means of pleasure and happiness, source of help, refuge, and means of consolation in the face of the endless sorrows of this world, and is such a fruit and benefit that if the life of this world were to be sacrificed on the way of gaining it, it would still be cheap. 

Transience, which hurts the human heart the most, is the nature of all creation. The solution to the inherent and inevitable anxiety this produces in the hearts and minds of human beings is belief in God and the Afterlife that we may thus secure eternal happiness. We must utilize creation in order to teach eternity, and the only way to do that is through belief in God and the Afterlife. We must also remember that belief is a choice. The signs of God as proof of the One Almighty Creator as well as proof of the Afterlife are everywhere when we learn how to see, which the gifted scholar, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, teaches us through this most phenomenal Risale-i Nur Collection of 130 books. 

– the Light Institute