Author: thelightinstitute

Islam means Peace

Islam means peace. This essential disconnection, misunderstanding and profound twisting of God’s Truth is particularly seen in the phrase ‘Islam rules by the sword’ and in the term ‘jihad’. To eradicate these false claims, we will first reflect on what Ustad Bediuzzaman explains regarding two extremely important verses in the Quran that are most relevant […]

God, or our Differences?

What do the holy scriptures teach and ask us to do? The scriptures of all the major religions ask us to treat each other friendly, ethically and kindly, and to seek the moral high ground with each other and ourselves. Is the current lack of unity amongst the believers the most friendly, ethical, kind and […]

Our Elderly

  Twenty-First Letter and Twenty-Sixth Flash(Treatise for the Elderly). Let’s reflect carefully upon what Bediuzzaman Said Nursi advises: “Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor. * “And out of kindness, lower the […]

All Signs Point to One Maker

When we observe, contemplate, study and reflect upon the world around us, we become aware of many different “things” in our immediate environment. We may see other people, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, mountains, buildings, etc.; we are surrounded by a multitude of animate and inanimate beings.  Upon closer inspection, we start to notice the various […]

Hope for Humanity (Part 2)

Throughout the Risale-i Nur works Bediuzzaman’s clear message is this: hope for humanity lies in belief in God and the Afterlife, without which the happiness of mankind remains in perpetual and perilous poverty. There is hope! Below are further examples out of many more in which Bediuzzaman explains this message: For man, who by nature […]