Messages in the Risale-i Nur Part 2

In our last blog post, we discussed the sort of messages that are in the Risale-i Nur. Part 2 addresses the question:

What does this mean for humanity? 

The Risale-i Nur shows us that this means that the universe is like a vast and complex tapestry or book. It means that no part of it is without purpose or meaning. It means that every single motion of every particle is telling us something. All beings, with their constant change and renewal, with their infinite diversity and degree, are all signs or windows. They are all speaking to the other creatures that have intelligence and consciousness. 

It means that every single being is telling us that there is One God, Who is All-Powerful, All-Knowing, All-Wise and All-Merciful; that we should worship and obey only God. And we are thus released from servitude to causes, other creatures and the tyranny of our own desires. What good news! What liberation! 

Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, by explaining to us in the Risale-i Nur how to read the creation like a book, as messages and letters from its Creator and our Creator, demonstrates how logical and rational it is that its All-Powerful, Knowing, Wise, Just and Merciful Creator has sent us Books and prophets so that we can know clearly what this universe is and to Whom it belongs, its purpose and meaning. And also, what we are, where we came from, where we shall go, and what our duties and obligations are. 

Human beings are not some kind of anomaly in this beautifully functioning universe, rather, they are the aim, fruit and result of it, its summary. With their comprehensive abilities and faculties, their utter need, and their endless desires and wants, they comprehend and encompass the whole universe. The universe, too, is in trust to them. Furthermore, they are addressees of Almighty God. 

A message of vital importance for humanity is an invitation to the followers of the other revealed religions, Judaism and Christianity to unite and work together and find commonalities in their religious texts and bring hope to humanity. The Qu’ran combines in itself the essentials of all the previous religions. Bediuzzaman has given humanity an infinite number of messages in the Risale-i Nur, all of them full of hope.